Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Health Benefits of Hot Cocoa!

Yes, that's correct ... drinking a cup or two of hot cocoa a day has health benefits! I always knew (dark) chocolate had its health benefits, but it never dawned on me that drinking hot chocolate also had health benefits! 

Here's what I have learned:

  • Chocolate helps to improve your mood.

  • Chocolate is good for your heart; it is a rich source of flavonoid antioxidants that are important in protecting against damage to the lining of the arteries.

  • Chocolate is associated with weight loss.

  • Dark chocolate offers the greatest health benefits.

  • Two cups of cocoa a day boost blood flow and oxygen to the brain, thus improving your memory.

  • The "hot" in "hot chocolate" is important - more antioxidants are released when it's heated up. 
So lets re-cap ... improved mood and memory, good for your heart and weight loss ... sounds good to me! However, there is one little catch - commercial instant hot cocoa mixes don't count.

Now the fun part, recipes! What are some of your favorite 'healthy' hot chocolate recipes?


  1. I didn't know that there were benefits to hot cocoa! How wonderful :D I don't know of any recipes though.. hmm.

    1. Until last night, I didn't either!! Now that I know there is, I plan to drink it ALL the time!! Just need to find some 'healthy' recipes :)

  2. I love that you posted this. Now I must indulge in a cup of hot cocoa. :)

    xo fal •

    1. Hehe, thanks!! I stumbled upon an article about it last night and had to share!

  3. You're a woman after my own heart. :) Time for a cup of cocoa!

    Stop by and say hi at

    1. Ha ha :) I agree, its definitely time for a cup of cocoa!

  4. Do you recommend a type of hot cocoa? I love the stuff, but I have a feeling the packets I typically buy have some other stuff in them that isn't super great for me.

    1. I need to do my homework on that; will post something when I find something delicious! I'm just coming off a 2-week stomach flu and am trying to introduce some healthier food into my diet.

  5. Mmm, this looks so delicious! I just sipped on some hot chocolate earlier--but it was the commercial kind! Thanks for sharing this. Hot cocoa is my go-to during the fall/winter!

    xo, gina

    1. I have a bunch of the commercial kind that I need to use up first, then onto the healthier stuff!!! Hot cocoa is my go-to beverage during the fall/winter too, so delicious!

  6. Hot Cocoa is definitely my favorite Fall/Winter drink!
    It's too warm here in California for it right now though!
    Hopefully it will cool off soon :]

  7. This is way awesome! Thanks for sharing! I've pinned and shared everywhere! Every woman needs to know that drinking hot cocoa is good for her (it's healthy and may help keep sanity ;-])
