Last week I was nominated for the Liebster blog aware. Thank you Elizabeth from
Moonlight Goodbyes. It is my understanding that the liebster blog award is for for a newly created blogs with less than 200 subscribers. The rules are:
- Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
- Answer the 11 questions the tagger has set for you.
- Choose 11 people and tag them in this post.
- Go to their page and tell them.
- Remember, no tag backs!
11 Things about Me:
1. I have been with my boyfriend for over 5 years now..!
2. I currently work 2 part-time jobs.
3. I graduated university in 2008 with my Bachelor of Business Administration.
4. I had my gallbladder removed just before I turned 19 years.
5. I love soda pop, especially coke.
6. I prefer a home cooked meal vs. going out for dinner.
7. I would rather spend a quiet night at home than go out.
8. I love to take photos with my Canon T1i.
9. I don't own an iPhone yet, but am patiently waiting for the iPhone 5.
10. I am a sucker for romantical movies.
11. I hate driving to places that I am not familiar with.
Elizabeth's Questions:
1. What is your favorite thing about back to school season?
Buying new clothes!
2. Which TV show are you looking the most forward to return this fall?
Hart of Dixie, Grey's Anatomy, Girls, and many others.
3. What is your best memories of this summer?
Moving in with my boyfriend.
4. What is your all-time favorite movie?
Oh gosh, I don't think I have an all-time favorite.
5. One thing you can't live without?
My lip balm.
6. What is your favorite season and why?
I love summer because I can go outside, enjoy the weather and get a tan!
7. What is your opinions about reality TV?
I enjoy watching it.
8. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
Its a great creative outlet and I love meeting new friends.
9. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Married to the love of my life and starting a family together.
10. What is your biggest pet peeve?
People who ride bicycles and don't follow the rules of the road.
11. What is your guilty pleasure?
Candy, oh I love those $2 candy bags from the candy store.
My Questions:
1. What music do you like to listen to?
2. Soda or water?
3. Where is your favorite place to shop for clothing?
4. What's the best present you have ever been given?
5. Why did you start blogging?
6. Which quote/saying do you live by?
7. Do you plan your posts well in advance or go with the flow?
8. What is your favorite thing to do to switch off and relax?
9. Where is your favorite holiday destination?
10. Where do you currently live?
11. Do you have any hobbies other than blogging?
I pass it along to...
1. Allie @
A Day in A Joyful Life
2. English @
Be Freckled
3. Erin @
Come What May
4. Mary @
Lily White
5. Alex @
Louise Amabilis
6. Niki @
Hello Paper Moon
7. Nicole @
Nicole Marie
8. Ashley @
Of Thoughts And Things
9. Robin @
Robin's Nest
10. Liz @
Try On Life
11. Stephany @
The Midnight Hershey