Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Guest Post ... Laurie from The Brotherton's.

Hey hey! I'm so excited Chelsea asked me to introduce myself to you. I'm Laurie Brotherton. My better half is Mitch. We have two fur babies, Kodi & Maggie. They fill our hearts with so much joy & take up most of our time. Now that spring is in full swing here, we can be found outside on the lake, grilling out or hiking the mountains of northern georgia, where we currently live.

I'm returning to school this fall to study photography. My cousin was in a fatal car wreck last month & ever since then I've realized what's truly important in life. That life is too short to be wasted on things other than your passion. So back to school for me & to say that I'm excited about it would be an understatement. I can't wait to learn more about the art of photography, lighting & poses. If you ask M, he would make a stab at my asian blood, & say something like "you're asian side comes out when you take pictures"or "you look like a tourist". Yeah, yeah, thanks babe. Yes, I love my camera & capturing whatever I can with it. 

I'm no pro, please don't think that I know what I'm doing, cause I don't -- that's why I'm going back to school. But I have been asked what camera I use & my shooting process {which flatters me greatly}.

I use a Canon Rebel T2i for all my pictures. I have no ill words for it. I love this camera. I hope in a couple years I'll be able to upgrade to a full frame camera like this beauty. I have the standard 18-55mm lens that I use rarely. My favorite lens to use is my 50mm lens. It has a low aperture, so it's great for indoor shooting & photos of products. Because my fantasies aren't real & there isn't a photographer that follows us around, whenever M & I take pictures we have to use a tripod. We probably use this 90% of the time for our picture a day project. I have a camera bag insert that fits perfect in all of my medium to large purses.

From experience {& as a reminder I'm not a pro. these are tips from my personal past experiences} the more natural lighting the better.  Natural light gives off a cleaner light that looks fresh & things don't turn out yellow. Take lots of pictures. As a kid I played basketball. My dad coached me for a few years & he always told me to take lots of shots. Even if I missed most of them, the more I took the more likely I'd score. So I carried that over to picture taking -- the more you take, the more likely there's going to be a goood one. So be sure to take your camera with you when you leave the house. Don't be afraid to pull it out anywhere. Be prepared to be disappointed. Once I wrote all the things I thought I needed to know to capture those breathtaking photos on an index card & carried it around with me. I changed all my settings to the "correct" points but nothing turned out like they were supposed to. Let's say I was bummed. But that leads me to my next point -- learn what works for you. I've yet to master my camera, but what I do know how use properly, I use that as an advantage. & most importantly, find your theme. If you find someone's pictures you like, you may notice all their pictures have a similar feel to them. This is something I'm still working on. It's not something you can establish other night & I hope as I continue to learn I'll be able to find my niche.

Thank you so much Chelsea for asking to share with your readers. I hope this was helpful to many. I'd love to meet you, so please stop by & say hello!
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Thanks Laurie for taking over my blog today!!


  1. Love this! Thanks for hosting Laurie! She's one of my favorites. :)

    Amanda | Living in Another Language

  2. These are great tips! I am tagging this post because I know I will need to refer to it later.

    Thanks for linking up with the Bloglovin Collective!
