Friday, January 10, 2014

What I'm Reading // The Happiness Project.

Back in January 2013, I started reading The Happiness Project.

I finally finished reading it just last month, December 31st to be exact (it was one of my four simple goals before 2014!) ... I am really, I mean really, really bad at reading books. I become easily distracted by the internet, television, life and forget all about them.

The book itself was fantastic. It was easy to read and even easier to relate to. If you haven't read it before, go buy it, its well worth the read!

After finishing the last few pages, I decided that I wanted to read the book again and try my best to follow along in 2014. I may not follow everything exactly, might make a few changes along the way, but I think it will be good thing. This time around, I decided that I was going to read a chapter at the beginning of each month - there are twelve chapters, one for each month with different resolutions. My hope is that by only reading one chapter, it will be easier to follow along and to be successful in my own happiness project!

For example, January's resolution for Gretchen (the book's author), was to boost her energy. And to accomplish her resolution of more vitality, she decided to focus on both the physical and mental aspects of energy. For her, these included:

01 // go to sleep earlier
02 // exercise better
03 // toss, restore, organize
04 // tackle a nagging task
05 // act more energetic

Pretty simple when you break it down. As I read each chapter, I also decided to make notes about what I related to, found helpful, wanted to focus my efforts on, etc. I will admit, I have a short term memory. Taking notes will help keep me on track, plus it will give me something to blog about!

Have you read this book before? Thoughts?


  1. I've read this book once a year for probably the last 3 years. I find it so motivating!

    1. I could definitely find myself doing the same every year too!

  2. I took some great things away from this book when I read it. Glad you finally finished it and found it encouraging! :]

    1. I did too. made me think about things a little differently! One of my favorite things I took away was the one-word to-do notes for your significant other!! lol

  3. I really want to buy this book! Glad to hear that it is worth the money :)

    1. You definitely should, it's well worth the $$$!!

  4. I LOVE this book! I also have the one sentence a day journal and her other book. I think it's called Happier at Home. I can't wait to read it!

    1. I also have the Happier at Home book too, that's on my 'soon to-read' list!! The one sentence a day journal would be interesting - how do you like it?

  5. I'd love to read this book, its on my to do list that's for sure. I got the Happiness Project One-sentence a day 5 year record for Christmas and its been so nice to sit and write down just a sentence of what that day has meant to me.
    Amber @
