Sunday, November 24, 2013

Finding Inspiration.

For the past week or so I have been in a funk. I think? I'm really not sure. Maybe I am coming down with something, or maybe it's because I will be turning 30 in less than one month. Either way, I haven't been feeling quite myself. 

I have had zero motivation and/or inspiration. I have hardly touched my blog this week (mainly because I have been too tired to turn my computer on), and its been awhile since I shared a photo on instagram. It kind of bothers me that I am not feeling inspired to blog, take photos, etc.

So, the million dollar question, where do you find inspiration? 


  1. Pinterest usually inspires me. Same with going to church and going to the gym!

    1. I always find way too much inspiration on pinterest!

  2. We all deserve a break from blogging sometimes. It's okay. I'm sure you'll get passed it. For inspiration, I would look at other blogs, current events, sometimes daily news have great ideas in their lifestyle pages and magazines. Sometimes I look at what's trending in the social media world.

  3. It's really difficult for me to come up with blog post ideas sometimes. I find I'm inspired by pinterest. It's a major addiction of mine. I also recently got a tumblr (like I needed another distraction!). But I really get some great ideas from images, videos, and quotes on there. I've also found a lot of my new favourite blogs thanks to Tumblr and Pinterest.

    1. I love Tumblr too, but don't use it as much as I should.

  4. I find a lot of inspiration by reading other blogs! Also, just getting out in nature. I understand the funk....I get there too. Especially when life seems to get too busy and is spinning around me! Take some time out. Do something for yourself....write without meaning for it to be a post and your inspiration will find you!

    1. Me too, I have so many blog posts bookmarked for ideas. Way too many!

  5. Hi, I stumbled upon your blog, and started reading this post. I find inspiration from things I love, like nature, art, fashion, music, quotes, people, and other bloggers. Inspiration is everywhere, I think getting out and doing what you love will inspire you. Best of luck, if you are still searching since this is an older post. :))

